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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/04/21
APRIL 21, 1008
7:00 PM
***DRAFT***                                                               ***DRAFT***

Present:  Richard Leone – Chairman, William Roach, Stephen White – Vice Chairman, Frederick Gallup, Donna Nashawaty – Town Manager, Lisa Birmingham – Comcast, Tony Bergeron – Road Agent

Absent:  Emma Smith

Also Present:  See sign-in sheet

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Leone.

ITEMS FOR SIGNATURE OR REVIEW:  Minutes of the April 7, 2008 meeting plus items listed on copy of agenda attached to official copy of minutes.

Tony Bergeron – One Way Loop – Requesting to develop an engineering contract to get down the physical aspects to demonstrate a couple of options of how to proceed in the loop.  $5887.00 plus reimbursable expenses is the contract with Bergeron Engineering.  Fred thought the $6,000.00 included implementing it and Tony replied it is for the engineering study only.  Hopefully they can gather enough data in the next two weeks so that after review by the Selectmen at their meeting on May 5th. they can set a public hearing.  Tentatively it would be May 19th.   Steve White questioned if they will be spending a lot of money to implement and Tony advised it will kept to a minimum.

7:10PM – PUBLIC HEARING – To accept unanticipated funds from the State: re flood funds.

Tony advised that $70,931.75 was received in December.  $11,367.26 was received a couple of weeks ago from the State as their share.  How do we utilize?  He had an overdraft last year of $51,000.00.  He would like to apply $51,000.00 to last year’s overdraft and $31,000 to this year’s budget.  Sand and salt were up this year.  (See attachment to official minutes)  Total expenses were reimbursed 75% by the federal government.  Cost a little over $100,000.00 for the storm last year.  The State reimburses 12 ½%.  For the last couple of events, nothing was received from the State, so this was not expected.  

A motion was made by Steve White and seconded by William Roach to accept the funds.  The motion was approved unanimously.

The public hearing closed at 7:16pm.

A motion was made by Steve White to appoint John Augustine to the Crowther Chapel committee.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved unanimously.
A motion was made by Steve White to appoint Skip Nolin to the Crowther Chapel Committee and seconded by Bill Roach.  The motion was approved unanimously.


Dick Leone reminded the Board of Selectmen that they will be meeting at 5:00PM on April 22 and April 28, 2008 in non-public session at Town Hall for the Manager’s review.

PSNH Street light rates –
Donna had the PSNH service managers come in to discuss charges for establishing service when moving a pole in the town’s right-of-way.  They said the charge is down to $5,500.00.  They also discussed street light replacement.   PSNH will fund the replacement with the BTUs saved in updating with more energy efficient light.  Fred advised one of the concerns when this was done 10 to 15 years ago was what kind of lights would be used.  He thinks they should look at that as well as the efficiency.  It is important to make sure of what we are going to get and possibly have a public hearing.  Board members agreed.  Donna Nashawaty advised she thinks they should set up a committee to look at the options.   A committee will be set up with the town manager, a representative from the Board of Selectmen, and ask for volunteers from the community.  

7:30PM – PUBLIC HEARING – Comcast Contract Renewal
A motion was made by Steve White to enter into contract with Bergeron Engineering.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved unanimously.

Lisa Birmingham from Comcast discussed the franchise renewal.  Comcast has to get permission from the town to provide television service and use the town’s right-of-ways.   
She advised that the length of the franchise was 15 years.  The shortest they can do is 7 years and they are willing to do that with Sunapee.  She also stated that the Selectboard has the authority to assess a franchise fee.  There is no franchise fee currently committed and they can do up to 5% which is worth about $50,000.00.  It is available if needed.  Donna Nashawaty has agreed to leave the language in the contract in case it is needed at some time.  Line extensions – Lisa stated that, in anticipation of new demand or new build, Comcast will do line extensions for 25 homes per mile.  There is also cost sharing.  An example would be 15 homes in a mile that want service.  The15 subscribers would pay the difference between 15 and 25 homes.  The procedure is set out in the agreement.  Dick Leone questioned if 10 houses come along later what happens?  Lisa advised there is no mechanism to reimburse as costs are up front.  Courtesy services are all the same.  They have dedicated a single channel, channel 8, for Sunapee to use.  Newport now has two channels, 10 and 8 in Newport.  Sunapee’s channel is currently active, but there is no cost involved.  They want to keep channel 10 from Newport open for Sunapee viewers, but are not sure what that programming will be.  Channel 8 is blocked at the town line.  Channel 10 from Newport flows through to Sunapee.  Newport subscribers pay a franchise fee to support that.

Bill Roach stated he has received complaints about Channels 8 and 10 from some people in town.  Newport has been changing from Channel 10 to Channel 8 for some of their meetings.  The only meeting on Channel 10 is the Newport School Board and other town meetings are on Channel 8, but they do not come through to Sunapee.  He also questioned roads at the town line and what those subscribers receive.  Lisa stated she believes it is engineered so it is plant coded for Sunapee subscribers, but she can check into it.  They can also arrange to transmit Newport’s Channel 8 to Sunapee’s Channel 10.  She will go back to the engineers and ask if Sunapee does not activate Channel 8, can they feed Newport’s Channels 8 & 10?  Donna advised she can call Newport to see if they will be doing their meetings on Channel 8.  Bill stated he thinks it would be good to have channels so that Newport can view Sunapee and Sunapee can view Newport.  Steve thinks if Newport wants another Channel it should be a different Channel.  Lisa advised that Sunapee has no rights to Newport’s station, but Newport is allowing Sunapee to see it.  Comcast cannot physically support a third channel out of that hub.  They could work with Newport’s access management organization so that Sunapee and Newport can share a channel.  Donna advised that they would have to implement franchise fees. Dick Leone thinks they would have to discuss it and look into it further.  Lisa advised that the agreement is flexible so it can be done.  

Bill Roach questioned the fee for getting Hallmark and TV guide back and Lisa advised it is $3.99 or $4.99 plus a digital box.  Hallmark provides their programming in digital and Comcast changes it to analog. It is part of the digitalization.  Bill stated that over the last 15 months there has been an increase of about 20% and at the same time the Hallmark Channel and the TV Guide were taken away. He stated periodically and regularly the screen goes black with a message across bottom of screen which he could not read.  Some other channels get tiling.  Lisa will check on Channel 13 and also the tiling and get back to Donna.  Dick Leone asked if they are regulated by the FCC.  Lisa advised that basic service rates and expanded service rates are filed with the FCC, but they are not rate regulated.  The FCC requires them to provide program changes.  The first price increase was the Adelphia to Comcast conversion.  The last increase was March of 2008 and was less than 6%.  They added a substantial number of digital channels.  It was a 50 cent increase to the lowest tier. They did not increase high speed internet.  Steve White asked if they will have more channels when they go to all digital.  Lisa stated they will not be going all digital next year.  The broadcast channels will, like NBC, CBS, and ABC.  

Dick advised that the major complaint he hears from people is they do not get the Boston channels, they get Vermont.  Lisa advised it is done geographically and  because of the advertisers they are in the Burlington market area.  

Peggy Chalmers asked if they have an analog set and Comcast service, will they be set.  Lisa advised yes they will.  Peggy also asked if they get a converter box will they get the Hallmark Channel and TV guide.  Lisa stated that the digital starter package would provide that.  She thinks it will be about a $6.00 fee.  Harry Gazelle suggests one charge per home, rather than per box.  Lisa explained how high definition works.  She also stated that she would be happy to come back for a community informational meeting on digital service.

Sue Gottling asked for the difference between HD ready and one with an HD tuner.  Lisa advised HD tuner can accommodate high definition.  

Bill Roach asked if there will be channel changes when move from analog?  Lisa advised that they can expect changes.  Over time it should all be digital, but not in the next few years.  She has no knowledge of the specific changes planned.  They may have new price packages.  

Dick Leone questioned if the internet service is competitive and Lisa advised that it is and it is faster than DSL.  They also have a business class service.  Sunapee has a fiber network and has the capacity for increased speed.  Business class offers web posting and design, PC support, and multi lines.  

Lisa has given the agreements to Donna.

The public hearing was closed at 8:45 PM.

A motion was made by Steve White to sign the agreement.  The motion was seconded by  Fred Gallup. Donna stated that the contract is okay to sign.  It appears the changes from the attorney have been made.  The motion was approved with 3 in favor and 1 against (WR).

Sue Gottling reported that she has scheduled a public meeting April 30, 2008, 7:00PM, at the Safety Services Building.  She wants people in Sunapee to be informed and have the ability to ask questions and give input.  Fred stated that the County would be wise to get out of their debt before they embark on any new facility.  The debt the county is in is very troubling to the people and all the towns should be concerned.  Sue stated they are looking at spreading the deficit over three years, rather than doing it in one.  

Sue advised that she voted for SB539 because the Senate tacked on the part to cost out funding.  There is a movement to eliminate that part and the coalition supports the removal of that part.  Sue voted to allow it to go to Finance, so that the policy part has a chance to survive.  If the financing portion remains in the bill, she will not support it.  

Sue met with DES today about what can be done without permitting in the Harbor.  One permit will be required.  Donna stated that the Gardeners have one tree to be removed, some trees to be replaced, and stone steps and benches to be put in.  They have to make sure they do not violate any of the regulations.  

The meeting adjourned at 9:27PM.

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                             Approved:                               

Richard Leone, Chairman                 Stephen White, Vice Chairman

Frederick Gallup                                William Roach

Emma Smith